in version 3.8.2 (A new feature and bug
fix version of v3.8):
- Set the standard memory heap (see Heap
memory) for all computer types to 3GB to cope with
larger files with more parameters.
- Added a warning when 80% of the memory heap is used,
allowing user to save the presentation thus far created.
- The potential error when all of the
memory has been consumed is caught and the user has one more
chance to save the presentation thus far created.
- Added instructions in the Weasel Help file and on line for
further increase or indeed a decrease of memory heap as
- In BiPlot Format, set the "3D" button to "disabled" if the
current number of selected parameters is less than 3.
Bug Fixes
- The button for setting of "Parameter Names/Scales" to choose
linear, log or split scales in overlayed dotted displays was
not functioning for overlay zero.
- Fixed an error in selecting dot sizes in Biplots and 3D
DotPlots with overlays.
- Fixed an anomaly that could cause a crash while reading some
older presentation files containing BiPlots.
All existing licences will be
valid for this version.
New in version 3.8.1 (A bug fix
version of v3.8):
- Fixed issues related to file or gate change in
overlaid dotted displays.
- Fixed issues related to dot scaling (scaling
according to display size or scaling on a parameter value,
usually FSC).
- Added advisory message regarding seeking clusters within a
dotted display.
- Added advisory message regarding reading a presentation
including its gates, regions and windows.
New in version 3.8:
New in version 3.7.2 (A bug fix version of v3.7.1):
- Allowed the reading of presentations containing file
or folder names with accented characters.
- Improved handling of Gallios data with log scaling
10^-1 to 10^3 where stored presentations omitted that
scaling info and misplaced the stored regions.
- Note: Existing presentations will still not be
correctly read and must be reconstructed using this Weasel
- Allowed the reading of compensation settings from
Accuri data file $SPILLOVER key values despite the use of
commas as decimal point place markers.
New in version 3.7.1 (A minor
enhancement of v3.7):
- Improved reliability of automatic region creation for
real-time cell cluster discovery (more...).
New in version 3.7 (Parallel Coordinates
- Reintroduction of the traditional Parallel Coordinates
displays for multi-parameter data. Now leveraging cell
cluster analysis or pseudo colour colour coding (more...).
- A major revision and expansion of
Weasel's Population Linking technique (more...).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed unreported bugs associated with the use
of 5-decade log scaling.
- Fixed bug associated with set and clear of cluster
- Improved show and hide of 1D gating regions (windows).
- Prevented dialog windows locating off screen.
- Fixed issues with activation of 3D displays after group
formatting of display arrays.
Many thanks to
users for their bug reports and requests for
enhancement. Please keep them coming.
New in version 3.6 (Cluster
Discovery "On The Fly"):
- Further extension of Weasel's population exploratory
capability with real-time cell cluster discovery (more...).
- Batch file processing for multiple files now handles
many data files with optional progress printouts.
- Increased the maximum allowed number of 2D regions,
biplot regions and 1D regions (windows).
- More convenient deletion of multiple unwanted gates,
regions, biplot regions and windows.
- Added more contextual help buttons.
Bug fix version 3.6.1:
- Fixed occasional "freeze" while creating new gates.
Bug fix
version 3.6.2:
- Fixed error upon save and retrieve of presentations
containing 5-decade log displays.
- Fixed occasional unexpected loss of gates in on-screen
displays when adding a new gate.
New in version
3.5 (Introduction of 3D Biplots, Presentations saved as .xml):
- In a novel enhancement of the conventional biplot
display, a 3D biplot display is introduced in which
transformed data can be projected onto a 3D data space
rather than the conventional 2D plane (more..).
- Presentations are now saved in a more compact .xml
format rather than the previous plain text. Files are now
more easily human-readable and can be viewed in a web
browser or even user edited (see Saving Presentations/File
- 3D Biplots and 3D Dotplots now benefit from a much
faster (more than 13-fold) repaint technique that greatly
improves the mouse-driven animation experience.
Minor enhancements:
- Use appropriate data-source-dependent full scale
parameter values for use in stats calculations.
- Give flexibility in single or merged file selection
(now allows single to merged or merged to single files
changes for any display.
- Added a "clear all" button to the parameter
ratio setting dialog.
New in version 3.4.2: Released 13th September 2017 [Bug fix
version: features as in v3.4].
- Corrected reading of older Weasel presentation
- Setting
of markers on histograms fixed for data with large numbers
(e.g. Astrios files).
- Clipped
exponents in display of numerical statistics for large
numbers fixed (e.g. 4.294E9).
- Numerical
statistics for ACluE-assigned clusters revised and
- Numerical
statistics obtained from BiPlot displays revised and
- Occasional
histogram curve fit failure fixed.
- Fixed
occasional blank displays in display windows.
New in version 3.4: Released 10th August 2017 with ACluE
- Gate displays on a subset of ACluE cluster
- Cluster gating includes selection of a percentile of
closest cluster members.
- Colour code dotted displays according to cluster
designation using the ACluE "alphabet colours".
- Present
statistics on individual clusters.
New in version 3.3.3: Released 21st March 2017
- Improved setting and display of time axis,
particularly for Bio-Rad S3 data.
- Corrected Biplot format when including a Time
- Improved
accuracy of fluorescence compensation calculation.
- Where
the data file contains no scaling hints, guess the
appropriate log/linear scale for each parameter.
New in version 3.3.2: Released 20th November
- Fixed the error in stats list using "Read All Files In
- Improved the reading and display of CytoFlex data
New in version 3.3.1: Released 4th July 2016
- Fixed the anomalous region stats values seen after
transforming regions between 4 and 5 decade log
- Revised the "User-Defined Parameter Labels and Scales"
- Revised the display annotation section.
- Revised and simplified the launch procedure Weasel.cmd
for PC to allow flexible location of the Weasel folder.
- Help files are now embedded so there is no failure to
find them for any Weasel folder location on any computer