NEW 28th
December 2021! Latest version ACluE v3.0.3
This is a
revision of the ACluE first release. New features:
- Minor
bug fix in processing and saving multiple data files.
- Minor
bug fix for reading historical data (older FCS standard).
- Minor bug fix in re-reading a data file after change of
- Increased prominence of the "merging" controls.
- Re-organised screen layout and allowed re-sizing within scroll
- Revision of the "Help" files.
is available for download. Obtain a fully functional free trial
version from the download page.
13th August 2017 Major Revised
Version of ACluE: v3
This was a
major revision of the original ACluE first created last
century. All significant features are new.
- Handles
large modern data files at relatively high speed.
- Creates
a "dissimilarity" array of the inter-cluster distances with a
view to discovering erroneously fragmented clusters.
- Offers
a "Cluster Compare" feature that plots a comparison of
clusters using the parameters best showing their
- Provides
a method for finding a cluster by its fluorescence or light
scatter characteristics.
- Allows
for "trimming" of clusters by selecting a percentile of cells
closest to their designated cluster.
thanks to those early adopters who gave ACluE 3Beta a vigorous
workout and discovered small errors that were fixed in the Beta2